Senin, 28 September 2009


holiday this time I went to Indramayu
to an old people's homes, as usual
, I fill in online holiday
and just stayed at home because
the weather outside is hot
and after Lebaran I went to bandung
scenery was very beautiful there if you want to see the photos?

very beautiful is not it?
I am proud to be
playing games indonesia.
i children selodor you know that game?
This is very exciting game
you have to try hehehe
, my group won Yas loh heheheh
I was very pleased and also
my good friend, friendly, kind
thanks friend back to the time yeh boringin jakarta
sorry my english is very bad

Jumat, 11 September 2009

new class

does not seem so
fast the time goes
by now I had my 9th
grade class in grade 94
that one with me is
Natasya, ayusekarputi, farra and many
of our class guardian
bu syawalis each entry must be working
class anger angry why I got class
like her guardian? What is not
because he's good,
we are just working class
playing games and playing
and playing well, if time could be in play
I'd love to go
back to a year ago
where I was sitting in class 86,
86 is the best compact
and also mischievous
and there teacher explained to the test in
the classroom there are angry because
of all the busy himself happy in the past
oh yes I like to just anyone anymore huh?
My secret, I do not know why I like him but
I do not know him that well bye my secret
i hope your day is always fun
sorry my bad english